In terms of flora and fauna, the natural woodland surrounding Zipiotegi is made up of Pyrenean oaks, together with oak, alder and pine. However, gorse and heather grow around our vineyards.
As for wildlife, it is common to see roe deer emerging from the woods in the evening and, of course, the odd wild boar, badger or fox. There is also a wide variety of birds, ranging from big griffon vultures to other smaller residents, like wrens.
We are in the Pagoeta Natural Park, which was declared a protected space in 1998 for the conservation of natural values and the development of activities related to recreation, enjoyment and public use.
It has a great wealth of fauna: the white vulture, the gray vulture, the peregrine falcon, among others, and native breeds of cattle, such as the betizo cow or the pony horse.
Similarly, the jungle landscape of this area is characterized by hardwood forests, flat mazelles, and coniferous plantations, such as yew, insinis pine, and Lawson’s cypress, which represent the homogeneous aspect of the northern slope of Pagoeta.
In addition to valuable natural resources, it also has other elements of interest: the Agorregi ironworks, the refrigerators, the Iturrara parquet training and sewing offer, the prehistoric remains that make up the dolmens (Otagain, Olarteta and Zaingo) and the deposits rock art (Erratia and Amalda in the Alzorala valley).
In our apartments you will find all the information you need to discover the park and our region. Also, to make your visit last longer, follow these tips.